School of civil, Architectural Engineering & Landscape Architecture


2016. 3 건설환경공학부 통합 출범
2014. 7 수도권 대학특성화사업 (글로벌건설엔지니어링 전문인력양성) 선정
2014. 3 국토교통부 스마트도시 석박사 인력양성사업 2단계 재선정 및 미래도시융합공학과(구 U-City 공학과)로 학과명 변경
2013. 8 BK21 사업팀 선정
2013. 3 초고층 · 장대 교량학과 글로벌건설엔지니어링학과로 학과명 변경
수자원전문대학원, 방재안전공학협동과정 대학원 신설
건축토목공학부 통합 출범
2009. 3 국토교통부 U-City 석박사 전문인력양성사업 선정 및 U-City공학과 일반대학원 신설

건설환경공학부 통합

  • 건축공학과

    2013. 3 건축토목공학부 통합출범
    2012. 2 이동근 교수 정년 퇴임
    2006. 3 권순욱 교수(건설자동화) 부임
    2005. 3 박철수 교수(건축설비) 부임
    2004. 3 송두삼 교수(건축환경) 부임
    2003. 3 2차 두뇌한국21(bk21) 2개 연구과제 선정
    2003. 3 건축공학과에서 건축학과 분리,신설
    2003. 2 권택진 교수 정년 퇴임
    2002. 3 진상윤 교수(건설관리) 부임
    2000. 3 이정윤 교수(구조공학) 부임
    2001. 2 조대성 교수 정년 퇴임
    1999. 2 김용부 교수 정년 퇴임
    1999. 8 1차 두뇌한국21(bk21) 2개 연구과제 선정
    1998. 8 산업과학대학원 석사학위 1호 배출
    1998. 3 김진구 교수(구조설계) 부임
    1996. 3 산업과학대학원 개설
    (건설공학과: 건축공학 전공)
    1995. 3 김예상 교수(건설관리) 부임
    1994. 8 이동근 교수(강구조/내진설계) 부임
    1994. 2 이승복 교수(건축환경/설비) 부임
    1986. 3 이상해 교수(건축역사) 부임
    1982. 3 임창복 교수(건축설계) 부임
    1980. 3 권택진 교수(건축구조) 부임
    1980. 3 조대성 교수(도시계획) 부임
    1986. 2 박사학위 1호 배출
    1981. 3 대학원 박사과정 개설
    1976. 2 대학원 석사학위 1호 배출
    1974. 3 대학원 석사과정 개설
    1974. 2 제1회 졸업생 배출(41명)
    1973.10 제1회 건축작품전
    1972. 3 김용부 교수(건축구조) 부임
    1971. 3 윤일주 교수(건축계획) 부임
    1970. 3 1회 신입생입학-학과별모집
    1969. 2 이공대학에 건축공학과 신설
    1946. 9 재단법인 성균관대학교 설립
    (초대학장 김창숙 선생)
    1945. 9 명륜 전문학교로 개교
    1895 학제상 근대교육체제 확립
    1398. 9 조선 태조 7년 성균관 설립
  • 사회환경시스템공학과

    2013. 3 건축토목공학부 통합출범
    2011. 3 장암 교수 부임
    2009. 3 박승희 교수 부임
    2009. 3 최창식 석좌교수 부임
    2007. 3 학과 명칭 사회환경시스템 공학과로 변경
    2006. 3 BK21 u-City 건설인력양성 사업단
    선정(박선규 사업단장)
    2005. 3 공학교육인증제 실시
    2005. 3 공과대학 토목환경공학과로 통합
    2001. 3 염익태교수 부임(환경공학 전공)
    2000. 2 최재화교수 정년퇴임
    1999. 8 윤홍식교수 부임(측지학 전공)
    1998. 5 건축, 조경 및 토목공학부 제 1 회
    Home Coming Day 개최
    1998. 3 토목환경공학과로 개칭
    1997. 9 한국 지진공학회 학술발표회 개최
    (본 학과 주관)
    1997. 9 김낙경교수 부임(토질 및 기초공학 전공)
    1996. 11 한국 콘크리트학회 학술발표회 개최
    (본학과 주관)
    1996. 10 삼성그룹 재단영입
    1996. 10 건축, 조경 및 토목공학부로 통합
    1996. 3 학연프로그램과정 대학원
    (환경전공 석사과정 입학)
    1996. 3 토지 환경 정보체계 협동과정 대학원 신설
    1996. 3 최경환 동문회장 부임 (4대)
    1996. 2 전몽각교수 정년퇴직 및 명예교수로 추대
    1996. 2 환경공학 실험실 신설
    1995. 10 한국 해안, 해양 공학회 학술 발표회
    (본 학과 주관)
    1995. 9 박선규교수 부임(구조공학 전공)
    1995. 9 김형수교수 부임(환경공학 전공)
    1995. 3 동문기금 조성사업 2차년도 계획 시행
    1995. 3 이정렬교수 부임(해안 및 해양공학 전공)
    1994. 3 유충식교수 부임(토질 및 기초공학 전공)
    1994. 3 이광명교수 부임(구조공학 전공)
    1994. 3 전경수교수 부임(수공학 전공)
    1994. 2 제2공학관으로 토목공학과 이전
    1993. 8 김치홍교수 정년퇴임
    1992. 8 토목공학과에 동문장학금 지급 개시
    1992. 3 동문장학기금 조성사업 시행
    1991. 3 김승수 동문회장 부임 (3대)
    1991. 3 김문영교수 부임(구조공학 전공)
    1990. 8 신현묵교수 정년퇴임
    1989. 3 박성우 동문회장 부임 (2대)
    1989. 3 신현목교수 부임(구조공학 전공)
    1985. 3 학생정원 125명 입학
    1985. 3 최창식 동문회장 부임(초대)
    1982. 3 최재화교수 부임(측지학 전공)
    1981. 3 최병호교수 부임(해안 및 해양공학전공)
    1981. 1 후기 전형입시에서 전기로 전환,
    졸업정원제 채택
    1980. 3 공과대학 토목공학과로 개칭
    1979. 3 2, 3, 4학년 수업을 수원캠퍼스에서 개강
    1972. 9 신현묵교수 부임(구조공학 전공)
    1972. 3 전몽각교수 부임 및 학과장 취임
    (토질 및 기초공학 전공)
    1970. 3 오긍렬교수 학과장 취임
    1970. 3 제 1 회 신입생 입학, 학과별 모집 (30명)
    1969. 12 이공대학에 토목공학과 신설 인가
  • 조경학과

    2016. 3 건설환경공학부 통합 출범
    2005. 공과대학 조경학과로 개편
    1997. 건축·조경·토목공학부 조경학과로 개편
    1983. 대학원 과정 신설
    1981. 생명자원과학대학 조경학과로 명칭 변경
    1978. 생명자원과학대학 원예조경학과 신설

School of civil, Architectural Engineering & Landscape Architecture

School of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering

2016. 3 School of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering integrated and relaunched.
2014. 7 Selected as the leading university in the Metropolitan University Specialization Project
(Global Construction and Engineering Specialized Experts Promotion).
2014. 3 Human Resourse Promotion Project(2nd stage) for Smart City run by the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
Transport selected / Name of course changed from U-City Engineering to Convergence Engineering for Future City
2013. 8 Selected as a member of the BK21 Project Team.
2013. 3 Name of course changed from Ultra High-rise and Long Bridge to Global Construction and Engineering.
Established postgraduate school of Specialized Water Resource and Disaster Prevention and Safety Engineering Collaboration Course.
The school of civil and architecture engineering integrated and relaunched.
2009. 3 Human Resourse Promotion Project for Smart City of the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and
Transport selected / Graduate school of U-City established

School of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering integrate

  • Architectural Engineering

    2013. 3 The school of civil and architecture engineering integrated and relaunched
    2012. 2 Professor Dong Geun Lee retires
    2006. 3 Professor Soon Wook Kwon appointed(Majoring in Building Automation)
    2005. 3 Professor Chul Soo Park appointed(Majoring in Building Facility)
    2004. 3 Professor Doo Sam Song appointed Majoring in Architectural Environment)
    2003. 3 Two research projects selected in theSecond Brain Korea (BK) 21
    2003. 3 Architecture Department separated from Architectural Engineering Department and newly established
    2003. 2 Professor Taek Jin Kwon retires
    2002. 3 Professor Sang Yoon Jin appointed(Majoring in Construction Management)
    2001. 3 Professor Jeong Yoon Lee appointed(Majoring in Reinforced Concrete)
    2001. 2 Professor Dae Sung Cho retires
    1999. 2 Professor Yong Bu Kim retires
    1999. 8 Two research projects selected in the FirstBrain Korea (BK) 21
    1998. 8 First Master Graduate in Industry andScience Graduate School
    1998. 3 Professor Jin Goo Kim appointed(Majoring in Structural Design)
    1996. 3 Industry and Science Graduate School opened (Construction Engineering Department: Majoring in Architectural Engineering)
    1995. 3 Professor Ye Sang Kim appointed(Majoring in Construction Management)
    1994. 8 Professor Dong Geun Lee appointed(Majoring in Steel Structure/Seismic Design)
    1994. 2 Professor Seung Bok Lee appointed(Majoring in Architectural Environmentand Facility)
    1986. 3 Professor Sang Hae Lee appointed(Majoring in Architectural History)
    1982. 3 Professor Chang Bok Im appointed(Majoring in Architectural Design)
    1980. 3 Professor Taek Jin Kwon appointed(Majoring in Architectural Structure)
    1980. 3 Professor Dae Sung Cho appointed(Majoring in Urban Planning)
    1986. 2 First Ph.D. Graduate in Graduate School
    1981. 3 Ph.D. Course opened in Graduate School
    1976. 2 First Master Graduate in Graduate School
    1974. 3 Master's Course opened in GraduateSchool
    1974. 2 First Undergraduates (41 students)
    1973.10 First Architecture Exhibition held
    1972. 3 Professor Yong Bu Kim appointed(Majoring in Architectural Structure)
    1971. 3 Professor Il Ju Yoon appointed(Majoring in Architectural Planning)
    1970. 3 First Admission of Freshmen - selected asper department (30 students admitted)
    1969. 2 Architectural Engineering Departmentnewly established in School of Engineering
    1946. 9 ncorporated Foundation SungkyunkwanUniversity founded (First Dean TeacherChang Sook Kim)
    1945. 9 Myung Ryun College founded
    1895 Modern Education System established interms of Curriculum System
    1398. 9 Sungkyunkwan established by King Taejoof Joseon in the 7th year
  • Social and Environmental System Engineering

    2013. 3 The school of civil and architecture engineering integrated and relaunched
    2011. 3 Professor Am Jang appointed
    2009. 3 Professor Seung Hee Park appointed
    2009. 3 Chair Professor Chang Sik Choi appointed
    2007. 3 Department name changed to Social and Environmental Engineering Department
    2006. 3 Selected as a team in the BK21 u-City Construction Human Resource Promotion Project Division (Project Division Leader: Sun Kyu Park)
    2005. 3 March 2005Engineering Education Certificate started
    2005. 3 Integrated into Civil and Environmental Engineering Department in Engineering School
    2001. 3 Professor Ick Tae Yeom appointed(Majoring in Environmental Engineering)
    2000. 2 Professor Jae Hwa Choi retires
    1999. 8 Professor Hong Sik Yoon appointed(Majoring in Geodesy)
    1998. 5 First Home Coming Day opening of the Architectural, Landscaping, and Civil Engineering Department
    1998. 3 Changed name to Civil and Environmental Engineering Department
    1997. 9 Held Korea Earthquake Engineering Academic Conference (Hosted by the department)
    1997. 9 Professor Nak Gyung Kim appointed (Majoring in Soil and Foundation Engineering)
    1996. 11 Held Korea Concrete Society Academic Conference (Hosted by the department)
    1996. 10 Signed with Samsung Group Foundation
    1996. 10 Combined Architectural, Landscaping and Civil Engineering Department
    1996. 3 Instituted Academia Collaboration Program Course in Graduate School (Students admitted to Master Course majoring in Environment)
    1996. 3 Graduate School of Land and Environment Information System Collaboration Course established
    1996. 3 Gyung Hwan Choi appointed as Alumni Association President
    1996. 2 Professor Mong Gak Jeon retires andProfessor Emeritus installed
    1996. 2 Laboratory in Environment Engineeringestablished
    1995. 10 Held the Coastal and Marine Engineering Conference of Korea (Hosted by the department)
    1995. 9 Professor Sun Gyu Park appointed (Majoring in Structure Engineering)
    1995. 9 Professor Hyung Soo Kim appointed (Majoring in Environmental Engineering)
    1995. 3 Implemented the Second-year Panningof Alumni Fund Development
    1995. 3 Professor Jeong Ryul Lee appointed (Majoring in Coastal and Marine Engineering)
    1994. 3 Professor Choong Sik Yu appointed (Majoring in Soil and Foundation Engineering)
    1994. 3 Professor Gwang Myung Lee appointed(Majoring in Structure Engineering)
    1994. 3 Professor Gyung Soo Jeon appointed(Majoring in Hydraulics)
    1994. 2 Moved Civil Engineering Department toSecond Engineering Center
    1993. 8 Professor Chi Hong Kim retires
    1992. 8 Started awarding Alumni Scholarship inCivil Engineering Department
    1992. 3 Implemented the Alumni Scholarship Fund Development Project
    1991. 3 Seung Soo Kim Appointed as Third Alumni Association President
    1991. 3 Professor Mun Young Kim appointed(Majoring in Structure Engineering)
    1990. 8 Professor Hyun Muk Shin retires
    1989. 3 Sung Woo Park appointed as Second Alumni Association President
    1989. 3 Professor Hyun Mok Shin appointed(Majoring in Structure Engineering)
    1985. 3 125 students admitted
    1985. 3 Chang Sik Choi appointed as First AlumniAssociation President
    1982. 3 Professor Jae Hwa Choi appointed(Majoring in Geodesy)
    1981. 3 Professor Byung Ho Choi appointed(Majoring in Coastal and Marine Engineering)
    1981. 1 Changed from the Second National University Selection Round to the First National University Selection Round for Admission, Graduation quota system adopted
    1980. 3 Changed name to Civil EngineeringDepartment, Faculty of Engineering
    1979. 3 First classes opened in Suwon Campus for sophomore, junior, and senior students
    1972. 9 Professor Hyun Muk Shin appointed(Majoring in Structure Engineering)
    1972. 3 Professor Mong Gak Jeon appointed and inaugurated as Head of the Department. (Majoring in Soil and Foundation Engineering)
    1970. 3 Professor Geung Ryul Oh appointed asHead of the Department
    1970. 3 First freshmen selected as per department (30 students)
    1969. 12 Newly established Civil EngineeringDepartment approved
  • Landscape Architecture

    2016. 3 School of Civil, Architectural and Environmental Engineering integrated and relaunched
    2005. Department of Landsca pe Architecture at the College of Engineering
    1997. Renamed by Department of Landscape Architecture at the School of Architecture, Landscape Architecture and Civil Engineering
    1983. Graduate Course established
    1981. Renamed by Department of Landscape Architecture established at the College of Life science and Resources
    1978. Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture established at the College of Life science and Resources